Facing Loss: Steps Toward Growth and New Happiness

BITVONLINE.COM- Losing someone significant in life is a heavy experience. It feels like standing in the middle of a storm without an umbrella, making the world seem devoid of color. Yet, loss is not the end. In fact, it can mark the beginning of a journey to discover the best version of oneself.

According to psychologists, accepting reality is the first step toward healing. “Accepting the reality of loss doesn’t mean giving up but making peace with the pain. It’s a way to free yourself from the emotional burden that holds you back,” explained Dr. Indra Wahyudi, a clinical psychologist based in Medan.

Deep feelings of loss often lead people to question, “What went wrong?” But beyond focusing on the wounds, this is an opportunity to uncover lessons. Loss can serve as a mirror reflecting one’s strengths and weaknesses.

Many people get stuck in denial or hold onto empty hopes that what’s lost will return. However, as personal development experts emphasize, focusing on controllable aspects of life is key. “When we accept reality, we create space for healing and growth,” Indra added.

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